Sunday 10 July 2011

b e r s i h

ri ni kecoh psl isu bersih. smpai katanye jln dkt kl mostly di tutup. bersih ni dh tercatat as 1 of malaysia pny history. aku cuma membaca n mendengar komen org sahaja. mcm2 pendapat org bg psl bersih ni. tp aku sgt x stuju ttg manusia yg kononnye berkobar2 semangatnye mengutuk2 di FB sedangkan dye daftar mengundi pon x. umo dh layak mengundi tp daftar pon x. so layak ke manusia mcm ni nk bincang psl isu bersih ni. politik skunk ni ntah la. brg makin lama makin naek. standard of living skunk ni pon dh bg nk gler. dlu kalo gaji 3000 duduk Kl ley survive lagi. skunk ni mmg x ckp la kalo nk hrp kn 3000 tu. stay dkt kl husband n wife mesti kn kja. kalo dpt laki kaya x pe la jugak hehe.. ley dduk umah goyang kaki hehe.. pe aku nk ckp ni, tngu pilihan raya nnt. malaysian people are very educated now. so they know which one to choose. just dirty politics ni dh ketinggalan zaman la. so people renung2 kan dan selamat beramal hehe.. i just remember about 1 famous quote from a film V for vendetta. he said " People should not be afraid of their governments. Governments should be afraid of their people".. so people think wisely muaxxx

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