Tuesday 9 August 2011

buka posa itu

ari sabtu lepas, riuh umah sbb de kazen ku dtg utk buka posa. ma plak ari tu kn g bank sbb katanya nk psg system. selamat la adek de. jadi adek la jd penyelamat aku tuk ari tu. ktorg kuar dgn ayah beli brg tok memasak. nenek mcm biasa tgl dkt umah je. x nk bawa haha... nenek x larat ikot, jd dye stay dkt umah je relax2. then menu tok buka ri tu are ~ ikan & sotong bakar, sup sayur, donut, kerabu mangga, macaroni bakar, air buah, gulai daging, dessert ala2 jhonny haha & buah ~ aku stat msk kul 4.. aduyai. rs nk tercabot kaki ni huhu.. br la th mcm ne mak rs bl berdiri lama2 dkt dapur & masakan utk anak2 dye.. jd sambung lik, smua mkn dgn meriah nye. muka tersenyum bangga hehe. but sadly, mum can't join us. she arrived home almost 8 i guess. pity her. she looks tired. when we sat at the table, she said "i'm too tired & i can't barely eat". when i told her that it took me about 3 hours to prepare all the meal she suddenly start eating. myb she dun want to disappoint me & my lil sis bcoz of our effort. but no rice or other heavy meal for her that day. she just eat bake macaroni. then i brought her a cup of hot apple tea. we sat at the table & start talking & laugh at our jokes.
my mum always busy but somehow she still manage her tyme to be with her family. ayah at the same time, is a very understanding husband. he did not complain when mum have to go to work during the weekends. he still shower her with a lot of love. actually, we are proud to have an awesome parents like them. can i be just like my mum? can my future "hubby to be" understand me just like my dad understand my mum? well i can't answer it right now. i'll just hope he do understand :) 

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