Thursday 11 August 2011

money sacrifice

semalam wani kuar sorang-sorang. ayah x dpt nk temankan. katanye letih. simple je jawapan ayah. keta ayah dh bagi,lesen pon ade kan. g la sendiri..ewah-ewah hehe.. disebabkan de tujuan nak kuar ni diri eni gagahi jua hehe. bukan pe kalau ikot kan ati duduk aje umah. dh mcm puteri lilin lak :) destinasi dituju adalah Central Square, SP. sebenarnya nk g Body Shop g beli pencuci muka. pastu nak g bayar berukband sekali. alang-alang dh dekat situ wani merayau je la sorang diri tp merayau ada tujuan. Tujuannye ialah ke Popular Book store dkt 3rd floor. saja nk tgk buku pe yg baru. semalam dok browse tgk latest book. pastu tgk on9 org tu jual buku yg wani nak. jadi tujuannye nk compare harga la.

dah sampai pon kat destinasi. terus je jadi mcm x ketahuan sebab leka tengok buku. lama jgk lak tersadai dkt situ. yg budak keja dkt situ ley plak pandang pelik. aduyai x kan la nk beli buku x baca dulu kot sinopsis dye. x yah nk jeling-jeling smpai senget bola mata kau tuh...pui.. last-last jumpa gak buku yg dicari. 1 set de 3 buah buku br RM59.90. masa tgk on9 ri tu 1 buku dye jua RM27.00 jd kalau beli 3 buah dkt dye dh jadi RM 81. so i decided to buy it. masa byr dpt discount lagi. sbb member popular dpt la 10% wahhh..berbaloi-baloi. so amount yg di byr cuma RM53.90.. bgs2.. sgt bgs. abes membeli terus pulang.

berbaloi-baloi :)

de brg yg berbaloi bila beli on9. cuma kita kena bijak memilih. beli brg ni byk aspek nak kena amek kira. tp kdg-kdg wani ni malas gak nk kuar jd nye order on9. tp untuk buku wani prefer g bookstore sendri. tgk, baca & pegang. feel dye sgt laen :) sama jgk mcm kasut. x berani nk beli on9. kasut kena try dulu. tp skunk ni on9 sales booming.mcm cendawan tumbuh after the rain hehe. pe pon before nak beli, consider dulu k.jgn nnt dh beli menyesal hehe..

currently wani baca yg eni


Harry had it all: a beautiful wife, an adorable four-year-old son, and a high-paying media job. But on the eve of his thirtieth birthday, with one irresponsible act, he threw it all away. Suddenly he finds himself an unemployed single father trying to figure out how to wash his son's hair the way Mommy did and whether green spaghetti is proper breakfast food. This brilliantly engaging novel will tug at your heart as Harry learns to become a father to his son and a son to his aging father, takes stabs at finding new love, and makes the hardest decision of his life.

~ when i finish reading this book. i will write up a review ok. i will suggest is it worth buying or not :) ~

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